Friday, November 3, 2017

Can Platelet Rich Plasma Heal Difficult Meniscus Tears?

Meniscus tears are real mutual in addition to come upward inward a diverseness of types in addition to reach off inward dissimilar zones of the knee.  The peripheral purpose of the meniscus is known equally the red-red zone because it has the best blood supply.  The key part is known equally the red-white zone becuase of its moderate blood provide in addition to the white-white zone has a pitiable blood supply.  Typically, tears inward this white-white zone are surgical resected because of their pitiable healing capacity.  Newer mechanical techniques are beingness developed to suture these tears together.  And, similar a shot biologic enhancement amongst platelet-rich plasma has been formally proposed equally a agency to improve the chances of such a tear healing.  Data volition request to hold upward developed exactly it is clear nosotros volition request both improve devices to suture the meniscus AND biologic stimulation inward gild for white-white tears to heal.

See video below most meniscus tears in addition to the abstract of an article proposing PRP to assistance heal meniscus tears. 


H5N1 new hypothesis: The application of platelet-rich plasma tin mail away promote the clinical healing of white-white meniscal tears.

Wei LC, Gao SG, Xu M, Jiang W, Tian J, Lei GH.
Med Sci Monit. 2012 Aug 1;18(8):HY47-50.

The white-white tears (meniscus lesion completely inward the avascular zone) are without blood provide in addition to theoretically cannot heal. Basal enquiry has demonstrated that menisci are unquestionably of import inward charge bearing, charge redistribution, daze absorption, articulation lubrication in addition to the stabilization of the articulatio genus joint. It has been proven that partial or all-meniscusectomy results inward an accelerated degeneration of cartilage in addition to an increased charge per unit of measurement of early on osteoarthritis. Knee surgeons must expression upward the hard determination of removing or, if possible, retaining the meniscus; if it is possible to retain the meniscus, surgeons must address the difficulties of meniscal healing. Some preliminary approaches accept progressed to improve meniscal healing. However, the occupation of promoting meniscal healing inward the avascular expanse has non all the same been resolved. The demanding nature of the approach also equally its depression utility in addition to efficacy has impeded the progress of these enhancement techniques. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a platelet concentration derived from autologous blood. In recent years, PRP has been used widely inward preclinical in addition to clinical applications for os regeneration in addition to injure healing. Therefore, nosotros hypothesize that the application of platelet-rich plasma for white-white meniscal tears volition hold upward a unproblematic in addition to new technique of high utility inward articulatio genus surgery. 

SourceDepartment of Orthopaedics, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, ChangSha, Hunan, PRC in addition to Department of Orthopaedics, First People's Hospital of ShaoYang City, ShaoYang, Hunan, China.


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